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fake apps found in Google Play Store

fake apps found in Google Play Store

The list of fake apps on Google Play, is given step by step.  To scam the fake Google Play Store, first snatch the apps.  Fake app for hiding things

 Be careful!  More than 10 fake apps found in Google Play Store, can be extremely dangerous if you have on your phone

False app found in Google Play Store

12 popular apps found dangerous malware

These apps have been downloaded almost 3 lakh times

More than a dozen fake apps were found in the Google Play Store.  Dangerous malware once again found in several apps in the Play Store.  More than one malware has recently been found in 12 popular apps in Google Play Store.

Threat Fabric reports that this malicious malware can inadvertently steal all the details of their bank account from the users.  Already these 12 apps have been downloaded around 3 lakh times.

Threat Fabric reports that these 12 dangerous apps in the Play Store contain malware called Anastasia, Alien, Hydra, Ermac.  They steal users' online banking as well as two-step authentication codes.  These malware can also take screenshots of what is being typed on the user's phone.  Experts say that due to the good ratings in the Play Store, more than one user uses these apps for various purposes.  Once downloaded to a device, these apps input dangerous content into smartphones through third-party sources.  Let's take a look at that ...

@Horrible malware found in some popular apps in Google Play Store-

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Free However, this is not the first time that Trojan malware has been found in multiple apps in the Play Store.  The virus has been found in some popular apps that have been downloaded by millions of users.  Although this kind of dangerous app has been banned repeatedly after receiving the news from Google, they are coming back behind the new app in various forms.  Harming the users.

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